Yoga is for everyone.

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When the topic of yoga comes up... people will give reasons why they “can’t do yoga”: 

Not flexible, too old, out of shape, can’t move that fast, can’t sit still that long, too busy, afraid people will look at them, don’t have the time, don’t have the money or membership

Guess what?!  I say, “If you can breathe, you can do yoga.”

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I’m not in the business of talking people into doing yoga if they don’t want to ... but if someone wants to, and they are held back by their limiting beliefs, I’d love to be the teacher who invites them to the space, makes them feel comfortable while being uncomfortable. I want to encourage them to come to their breath and listen their body. When they fall, they breathe, get up and try again. 

Every breath is a chance to start again.

No matter if you’re a 21 year old athlete or a 78 year old woman, you can take the suggestions for poses and do what suits you. I’ll remind you that you’re not comparing yourself to anyone in the room because in all reality you have no idea where they came from or where they’re going. And I’ll ask you to go inward to ask yourself to find your intention for the hour... your intention for the day or your life and it’s up to you what you create.

Whether you can barely touch your toes or you’re able to do full splits in headstand, you’re right where you need to be. Breathe. 

You don’t even have to leave your house or be in a class. You can login to zoom for yoga- or follow along with a Facebook live short flow or a on Instagram live feed. 

You don’t need a special kind of outfit or fancy mat. Where comfortable clothes. Find a space with a mat, towel or rug. 

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Yoga doesn’t have to cost a lot.  Give back to the instructor who serves you what you can. The biggest investment is your time and attention and if you give that, your return on that investment will be priceless. 

If you “don’t have the time” it’s because it’s not important to you- and that’s ok. Maybe you have another form of movement that is working for you. Maybe you’re flexible, strong and balanced and you find time to sit with your own thoughts. Bravo. Keep doing what you’re doing. However if you “want” to do yoga but you “can’t find the time”, I encourage you to sit with that and think about the fact that you can do hard things and you’re not alone. We are here and ready to stand with you when you decide you’re worth the time.


My first day of yoga teacher training