about sarah


Introducing Sarah D’Agostino

The founder of a&e yoga. She’s excited to be here - wherever that may be. She loves new beginnings! In fact, Yoga reminds her that every breath is a chance to begin again. 

Sarah loves her day job as a professional signing agent - closing real estate transactions. This part of her is “professional”, efficient, networked and buttoned up. 

Sarah loves to move! Both mind and body— she runs, dances, and loves to play. Getting upside down whenever and wherever she can. She trained at 90 Degrees North in Milford Michigan under the tutelage of Laura Tropea-Terpsma from Journey Into Power by Baron Baptiste. That probably means nothing to most but his teachings talk about much more than yoga. Baptize says, “We are here to awaken and empower you to live in wholeness and full potential.” 

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What can you expect in a yoga class with Sarah? The sun may be shining bright or we may be in a hot low-lit room but the music is probably loud. Sarah typically offers a Vinyasa flow class with lots of modifications and also opportunities to push to more advanced poses. 

She’s a wife, mother, sister and a friend. 

Growing up the oldest of 6 kids and 25 grandchildren... a little bit of organized chaos feels like home. Her to-do list is always long and growing but yoga helps her to get present and leave the to-do behind. 

As a person who stutters, she’s experienced 25 years of therapy, support groups, lead 100’s of people through workshops to create safe spaces to explore their abilities and push people to their edge and discover the light that shines in them. 20+ years of therapy has created a self-help junkie. 

Sarah is authentic, wholehearted, leans into uncomfortable situations and she believes that yoga is for anyone and everywhere.